Microsoft. NET Framework - a set of libraries and system components that
are required to run applications based on the architecture. NET
Framework. Platform Microsoft. NET Framework allows users to get their
hands on a comfortable, elegant, flexible programs that work with
different data sources and provides a software interface to the business
logic of their services locally and via the Internet.
Microsoft. NET Framework - a model of managed code programming from
Microsoft, aimed at creating applications to Windows, servers, and
mobile and embedded devices. Developers can use. NET to build different
types of applications such as Web applications, server applications,
smart client applications, console applications, database applications,
and many others.
In the. NET Framework 4.5 applications, improved performance, and adds
the ability to simultaneously install and use the system as the latest
version. Net Framework 4 and earlier. Net Framework 3.5. There is
support for additional industry standards, a wider choice of programming
languages, the ability to create high-performance middle-tier
applications, including with the use of parallel computing.
Prerequisite: .NETFRAMEWORK 4.5 RTM
Note: On Vista, Windows 7 systems right-click and run the setup as administrator!
Do not use it for Windows 8!
All available updates and hotfixes are included.
This installer is for both of x86 and x64 systems
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